I connected with Michael and over a couple of calls, I learned that Call for Content could help me with creating reusable content and podcasting to help me start to make money in my sleep. I was looking at the content that they had produced on their site, including The Authority Marketing Playbook. I thought “This is so incredibly thorough. It’s huge and they just give it away.”
I’m very particular about who I trust to help me with content creation and advice on the direction to take a business. I’ve paid people on Upwork to do content for me who didn’t really know what they were doing. I saw that it didn’t align with my brand and they didn’t understand my audience. So my biggest reservations were whether they would produce quality work and whether it would align with me and my audience.
Michael put together a deck I could have put together myself — meaning from a strategic standpoint he totally got it without me having to explain everything to him. “Hey, this is the market. These are the places I’d see you getting your clients. These are the things you should do.” He and the team have an excellent understanding of the lay of the land of the coaching industry and where you sit in that land and how to best position yourself.
Among other things, Call for Content provided the guidance and accountability I needed to help me get my audio course off the ground. They coached me through a lot of the questions and reservations I have in creating the product and help me not overthink it too much. They provided the idea for doing an audio course — I had never thought about that. It’s so much easier for me than video and it aligns with my brand. They provided the right process to deliver the product to the world and get it to the right people — marketing it through podcasting and strategic podcasting partnerships. They’ve also helped me flesh out my eBook and update my website with a clear, concise narrative. They’re great at helping me pull the ideas out of my mind and turn it into words.
Working with Call for Content has helped me shift my business focus to something I think will be more sustainable. They’ve helped me do that earlier than I probably would have on my own. It’s enabling me to take that business to the next level. I really believe what we’re creating is a million-dollar product and Call for Content is a huge part of that process.
Through the process of working with them, it forced me to pay attention to the need to get my brand out there more and the value that I am literally holding back from the world in not doing that.
They’re a huge part in helping me navigate this journey with a little more confidence than had I tried to do it on my own. They provide a roadmap to help me achieve my goals. Plus they’re sitting in the passenger seat with me saying, “Hey, if you want to drive, you can drive. If you want us to drive, we’ll drive.” They recognized that I’m a driver and support me how I work best.
The main reason I would recommend them is for strategic guidance to position, grow, and monetize your brand. They are excellent in aligning strategy with language and positioning. You need that external help because, as a coach myself, I can tell you that you can’t read the label from the inside of the jar. That’s so hard for me because I do this stuff in my sleep. Sometimes I get a gut feeling on certain things and I’m like, “Dang, this is fire. This is such good content.” And then I put it out and I’m like, “That’s not good.” So you need some external help here and there sometimes. You’re not meant to do everything yourself. We all need people who are like jungle guides to give us support as we continue on our journeys.