Geeks Geezers and Googlization Show
Michael Greenberg shares tips for adding podcasting to your recruitment marketing toolbox with Ira Wolfe on the Geeks Geezers and Googlization show.
Intro 00:00
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Ira Wolfe 00:32
Hey, welcome back, everyone to the Geeks, Geezers and Googlization show where we talk with HR and business thought leaders about living and working in a world where the wired, the tired, and technology converge. I’m your host Ira Wolf and I’m here with my co-host, Keith Campagna, who for the second week in a row is right beside me. Our sponsors once again are Job Fight and Success Performance Solutions. Keith, I’ll bet today’s show was never on our radar before we started this, and it’s probably not something that many listeners or many companies have thought about using in this race for talent.
Keith Campagna 01:12
No, it’s a wild concept, that you really need to be creative anymore to get in front of passive candidates, qualified candidates.
Ira Wolfe 01:22
Or active candidates.
Keith Campagna 01:23
Sure, all of them. Something that I work on full time now is this idea of: How do you create a corporate culture in 2019? It seems like an uphill challenge the whole way. But all things considered, if you have really cool ideas, like the ones we’re going to be talking about today, it probably will make it easier for you.
Ira Wolfe 01:42
Yeah. And I think you said right before we started, this sounds like we’re going down a rabbit hole because we’re going to be talking about podcasts or our podcast is going to talk about podcasts.
Keith Campagna 01:51
Right, some sort of a third dimension, fourth dimension thing we’re going into.
Ira Wolfe 01:56
Yeah, and we got a great guest today. Michael Greenberg. He in every sense of the word is an entrepreneur. He’s the founder of a company called Call For Content, which is his reason for being on the show. But we’ll get back to Michael in a minute. Like we do each week, it’s time to share a couple of ideas about what’s going on in our world and the world. The Googlization, which seems to be picking up theme, that title, that topic, that I didn’t realize even when I wrote it, in the age of recruiting, in the age of globalization, that it would become this theme that stuck with me over 10 years because I wrote the book, Geeks, Geezers, and Googlization in 2008. That’s what catches on. People love that.
Keith Campagna 02:45
I know, every talk that I give, every presentation I give, when I say Geeks, Geezers and Googlization everybody smiles whether or not they have long hair, no hair, any hair. People catch on to it. It’s pretty funny.
Ira Wolfe 02:57
It’s a tough race between that and the wired, the tired and technology. People get it. But this morning, I don’t know if you met my friend Mark Walker. We were on a conference call together, and the conference call was generated in Minneapolis. It was through a mutual publisher that we work with. When we were on the call, we just started talking about what the weather was like, you know it was one of these things. What’s the weather like? Where are you calling in from? Turns out he lives in Brodheadsville. He lives down the road. We became friends a couple of years ago and it’s been good. But anyway, I had breakfast with him this morning and a couple of things. I felt really good about it because I trust Mark’s credibility and his leadership, and he says we are one of his main podcasts. He’s got so many distractions and so many things on his list each week that and, sometimes that gets in the way, and that’s a problem. But he said how it’s one of his favorite podcasts, but one of his most favorite episodes was the one on caregiving. He said that just resonated with him. Through the course of our conversation of about an hour or so we covered a lot of territories. One of the things that his company does is, they have a program for identity theft, and they sell it to companies as an employee benefit. It’s been a struggle. In the list of dollars to allocate the choice is, would you like to have a program that can help you protect your identity, or do you need it for healthcare? And obviously you know where the dollars go. But he said he was talking to somebody the other day, and two things came out of this one being we need to get somebody on our show to talk about this. He said he was talking to somebody and who said: You know, I’m sorry for being so distracted but my wife had her identity stolen, He’s spending hours and he’s just consumed because it’s affected everything. So I started to ask, “How widespread is its impact on employee productivity? in the workplace? We’re talking about getting somebody from his company or somewhere else and talking about identity theft, but that was the first thing so it all sorts of ties in with that, so not only do we have caregiving, that’s a distraction, but identity theft and a million other things. And then from there, I went to my bank, a local branch just around the corner, you pass it. This goes into the H in HR story and you know, I’m talking about that at the end of the month. You know, everybody always bristles and says we need to do something and machines are taking my jobs and that’s a focus. I walk into the bank and there are three tellers there. Not one of them greets me, I’m the only customer. There’s no one else at the bank. So there’s three of them there, two don’t raise their head when I go fill out my deposit form. I rarely go inside the bank, but I need to pick something up. So I go in there and nobody does that. I go through the transaction still, there’s no conversation at all. I just placed my deposits on the shelf, she took them and she processed them. Spontaneously at the end, and I’m not sure I was the one that was thinking, I said: Hey, thanks, and she says: You’re welcome. That’s it, not; Hey, is there anything else I can do for you? When we talked about keeping the H in HR or putting the H back in humans, sometimes engagement is better with a chatbot and I did put a post up on LinkedIn this morning about it. I get more satisfaction and it is quicker. They are actually more engaging and seem more polite, more human than a lot of the interactions that we get face to face with people.
Keith Campagna 03:26
What we’re talking about is, we could call it a candidate experience, we could call it an employee experience or we could just call it a human experience. But the truth of the matter is the emotional ride that goes along with interaction. As long as you provide a non-negative experience, you have an advantage, because of the way people are. What’s the cause of that effect? The effect is that you have disengaged employees. And in that customer-facing experience, that means that they’re going to be not positive. All you have to do is start building out from the inside a little bit at a time to find that engagement. And here we talked about putting the H back in human resources. HR simply can’t get there. This seems like the theme that always pops up but if they don’t start. somebody is. There are companies we both know, that are putting rubber to the road. They’re putting in some employee development systems like life-work integration, we’re getting clients on board with that. They’re trying their best to give their employees a human effect that makes them happier, more collaborative and more empathetic when they get to work, and then it spreads and then all of a sudden you have a culture.
Ira Wolfe 08:27
Absolutely. So it’s pretty challenging when chatbots are now more humanlike and engaging than actually a physical person.
Keith Campagna 08:36
Good news. You don’t have to be an A student here
Ira Wolfe 08:38
It is the old story of the two guys camping and one starts to put his sneakers on and, and the other asks where are you going. It’s the middle of the night and he says, there’s a bear out there. The other one says you can’t outrun the bear. He says, No, I can outrun you. The bars are pretty low, which brings us to tying this in. How companies could humanize and what a company can do to humanize recruitment retention? How do you stay in touch? It’s hard. Again, there’s a lot of chatbots, there’s a lot of technology out there that is very helpful at doing that. I’m going to be at Convergence next week at Cornerstone and I’m sure there’s a million things out there that they’ll be talking about some of that, but when I met Michael asked how can podcasting be used for recruitment and retention? Are any companies doing it because I’ve talked a lot about using video? People are into that. They get it, they understand that. Billion hours of video are watched every day, so people get that, but it’s like, I gotta go on screen. I don’t like whether my hair looks like I’m not dressed properly. I’m not comfortable in front of it. Well, now all you have to do is talk. So I’m really excited about talking about this with Michael. So let me give you a little background on Michael. Michael is the founder of a company called Gentlemen Of Technology. It’s a B2B venture creation, growth consulting company that’s sort of in the background. I think that’s his hierarchy but he started his career. He dropped out of college, which we hear a lot about today of different careers. He went to a coding boot camp, and then he joined a company called Alumnify as the COO and raised over a million dollars for it. While he was doing that, he also started to do a little freelance work. Two years ago he launched his first venture, which is called Call For Content, which is the reason that he’s on the call today. It is a full-service podcasting agency for content marketing, audience growth, and monetization. When we met up a couple of weeks ago I asked how could you use podcasting for recruitment and retention? And here we are. So we were finally able to coordinate our schedules. And I’m really excited to talk about podcasting and this world of work with Michael Greenberg. Welcome to Geeks Geezers and Googlization, Michael.
Keith Campagna 11:26
Hey, Michael.
Michael Greenberg 11:26
Thanks. Hey, guys. It’s great to be on today.
Ira Wolfe 11:31
Yeah, I appreciate it. So just a reminder, everybody we are live today. And if you have any questions for Keith, myself or Michael, about podcasting and the future of work candidate experience, call 561-623-9429, that’s 561-623-9429. And we’ll be happy to take your call.
Keith Campagna 11:54
Maybe you had an experience where a chatbot is better than the human that you dealt with.
Ira Wolfe 11:58
Yeah, and you want to share that. So Michael, let’s talk a little bit about how you went from coding and web development to podcasting which is now your business. Podcasting is booming, but for a lot of other people, they probably don’t understand what it is. So give us a kind of little story about what interested you in podcasting and how you decided it was worth starting a business.
Michael Greenberg 12:25
I kind of fell into podcasting. I was working with a Podcast Network as a growth strategy consultant. They said you should have a show so you understand what we do and I said, Sure, I’ll have a show. And then I had a podcast and I started interviewing people. They shipped me a whole suitcase full of equipment, and it just sort of went from there. Along the way, I saw the value of podcasting for conversation. I think there’s a real dirth, a lack of conversation in today’s society. Your example with the bank tellers is a great one. There’s no chatting, no back and forth and I think people miss that. Podcasting showed me a way to use those conversations, and to put those conversations in a way that we could use them for marketing. Either for recruiting purposes, as we’ll be talking about today or for growing your lead funnel.
Keith Campagna 13:33
Or anything, right. Ira and I were talking, you could use it as a company internal, a company culture builder, almost like in high school.
Michael Greenberg 13:43
Spotify is a great example of that, actually.
Keith Campagna 13:46
Oh, yeah. How so?
Michael Greenberg 13:48
They have an internal company podcast and have for years. When you get into these big teams, big companies and they’re spread out, a podcast gives you a way to do anything from a town hall to a one on one chat with the guy who’s leading the whole new division, or to the guy on the ground. People don’t talk in companies. It’s all silos and a podcast can help you have conversations outside those silos. That’s the core way I think about it these days.
Ira Wolfe 14:24
Yeah. So, again, you gave one example, obviously Spotify, it’s not a huge company, and it’s a startup, but they’ve got a lot of employers, We work with a lot of small, medium-sized employers. We have a couple of large ones. You gave some examples, just as you were talking there, and I think giving examples helps people understand where there might be uses for this because I think normally they would think about a podcast like we’re interviewing you. Who could you interview within a business or talk about what the news of the day is or about some themes and might not interest every employee in the company, but what are employees interested in? It might be a weekly podcast from the CEO or the president. Earlier, before you got on the show, my mind was racing with ideas. Short podcast, explain benefits, how did we utilize the benefits, interviewing employees, what it’s like to work for here? You might be familiar with NPRs show where you can actually record stories. You can go and record family stories or interview your family and just record memories, and create a library like that. You mentioned some of the things in Spotify. Are there other examples, other companies that are doing anything, Michael?
Michael Greenberg 16:01
There’s a hospital that’s done a really great job and I’m blanking on the name right now. I know we talked about it in one of the ebooks I’ve put out around podcasting. They interviewed primarily people within the hospital organization about their work, but then they brought in some patients as well. That podcast was entirely set up to recruit, but they brought in the patients to really show how much the staff and the community, how the culture of the hospital came through and shown through all the way to the end to the person that they’re there to serve. That really struck me because that’s a real issue. How do you show your culture off to everyone when culture is such an internal thing?
Ira Wolfe 17:07
That’s a great example because that’s companies selling their culture. That’s why people are looking for opportunities. Everybody who wants, not everybody who wants to work, but most people are working today. There are more jobs than there are people or job openings, or there’s more job openings than there are job seekers, which is the right way to say that. So part of it is people looking for a better opportunity. They’re not just going to change jobs, some might for a quarter dollar, but most people are looking for that better opportunity. So what a better way to kind of create a culture.
Michael Greenberg 17:45
Yeah, and I know there’s a construction equipment dealer here in Denver, Colorado, that is going to be using a podcast later this year for the same purpose except instead of nurses and doctors, they’re looking for diesel technicians. And there’s enough of them.
Ira Wolfe 18:06
Right? Yeah. Well, I get that in companies in robotics and nursing. You know, we work a lot with homecare being able to go out and interview some patients, about what it’s like and have them tell their story.
Keith Campagna 18:21
And I think the idea here is that you get to expose the color of the individuals that work within the organization, and even better if you have patients or customers that are willing to share in a very real live environment.
Ira Wolfe 18:36
I guess when you started with this company, they said you should have a podcast and they gave you a bunch of equipment. One of the things that I talk about, I did a presentation at Sherm Talent and it’s now in my library of presentations, is about how to use video for recruitment. There’s a lot of free tools. Everybody now can be a videographer if they own an iPhone, or some type of a smartphone doesn’t have to be an iPhone, but a smartphone and they can take video. You prop it up somewhere and maybe it’s a selfie, maybe you put it in a holder, and you talk for a couple of minutes about what it’s like to work here or you share how-to, but a lot of people don’t like to be in front of the camera. So podcasting is much easier, but what’s the minimum setup? I mean, if you were to create, and maybe you have mentioned you had some ebooks, so we’ll have to get that information out to everybody. But what goes into a company says, this is a great idea. How much do we have to budget for it? What’s the process? What do they need to do? What are some of the steps they need to follow?
Michael Greenberg 19:51
Okay, so I think the first thing to look at is; are we going to be doing our recordings in person or are we going to be doing them remotely, in some way. And if you’re doing them remotely, then your cost of entry is significantly lower.
Ira Wolfe 20:09
Right. So when you say remotely, what’s the difference between those two?
Michael Greenberg 20:18
Yeah, so in person, we’re sitting across from each other, we’re looking at each other and we’re talking. Remotely, that could be via the phone, that could be all online but the key differentiator is we’re not going to be in the same room.
Ira Wolfe 20:36
Okay, and why is it cheaper to do it remote than if we’re in the same room because again, I’m thinking, I’m an employer, I got 100 employees, I think this is a great idea and I want to implement it today. I have got everybody here. Why do we have to call them in down the hall, if they’re physically here?
Keith Campagna 20:43
Yeah, what do you mean by cheaper? Just lack of equipment.
Michael Greenberg 21:03
Yeah, you don’t need to spend $200 or $300 to get a recording setup. For companies where they have locations all over the place, it often makes sense to go that direction, but a better one is in one place, then you probably want to record in person, and it’s worth buying a little zoom recorder and a couple of microphones. So that way, you can sit down and actually talk with the person.
Ira Wolfe 21:38
Sure. So you’re talking about a zoom recorder. We put it on to a recorder, it becomes a digital recording, and then we can upload it someplace. I’d like to take people through the steps of how you would do this. We do it all the time and I record all the time. We got multiple ways to do it. I would find it harder to record on a recorder. Even if we’re sitting next to each other, we usually do it through either cloud recording service and get the mp3, and then we need to put it someplace. So let’s take this one step at a time. I’m the CEO and I decided I’m gonna have somebody interview me and then I’m going to interview some of my managers about what it’s like to work here. We can buy a microphone at Amazon staples, Best Buy wherever. And they run…
Michael Greenberg 22:41
Ira Wolfe 22:42
Yeah, yeah, they run, $25 to $100. Okay, so somebody needs to get a microphone and you said a zoom recorder. Is that what you recommend?
Michael Greenberg 22:56
Yeah, that’s what I’d recommend. They’re good professional recording devices. They’ve been used by journalists for years and they’ve become the most popular devices for podcasters as well.
Keith Campagna 23:09
Now, who inside of an organization are you working with the most, Michael? Is it someone in the IT staff? Or is it HR?
Michael Greenberg 23:20
It’s general, it’ll either come from HR or marketing. Then normally we’ll pull in one of the higher-level executives, to be the face of the show, to show that they’re really committed. And that’s sort of the core team there. Depending on the use, since we’re talking recruiting today, it’ll come from HR and then normally, it’ll be that CEO, or the head of whichever department needs help recruiting, who you then want to be the interviewer, the host of the show. Assuming that is personable. If they’re not taking somebody else.
Keith Campagna 24:03
I was just about to say it sounds exciting, but here it is. I have a podcast. But it sounds exciting that one day you might be at your job and someone might say anyone interested in hosting or co-hosting a podcast, just to talk about things within and outside of the company. I could see a couple of people raising their hands that might look to hide their little horns. Kind of sauce it up a little bit.
Ira Wolfe 24:28
Yeah, absolutely.
Michael Greenberg 24:31
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. You want character in your show? And in your host?
Ira Wolfe 24:39
Well, it’s transparency. And they’re sort of buzzwords, but they’re very real. I mean, it’s about being transparent, being authentic. And that’s part of the challenge that I hear when we talk about video and, people said, Well, I don’t like being in front of the camera, and I’m not comfortable, but that’s part of that authenticity. It is not necessarily coming in and having it recorded in the studio with backdrops and professionals, that that common guy sense makes it viable. It makes it even better. You know, as I said this always moves pretty fast.
Keith Campagna 25:23
It moves pretty fast for us.
Ira Wolfe 25:24
Yeah, absolutely. You are listening to the Geeks Geezers and Googlization show. We’re here with our guest, Michael Greenberg from Call For Content. We’re talking about podcasting and podcasting in business, podcasting for recruitment and retention. We’re just starting to get into it. We found out a couple of case uses of how companies are doing it. I’ve got a load of ideas on how it can be used. So it’s definitely going into my presentation. So we’ll expand the video part but we’re also talking about some of the other trends, candidate experience, customer service. We are live. So if you have a question for Michael or myself or Keith, call 561-623-9429, that’s 561-623-9429. And we’re going to take a short break and hear from our sponsors Job Fight and Success Performance Solutions. Stay right where you are. We’ll be right back in two minutes.
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Keith Campagna 27:01
What’s up, everyone? This is Keith from the Geeks Geezers and Googlization show powered by Job Flight. Job Flight knows career paths are made by people, not by open job requisitions. Job Flights platform ties recruitment marketing directly to applicant tracking and onboarding, creating continuous candidate engagement that effectively connects recruiters with qualified passive candidates. Used by over 50,000 recruiters placing over 1 million jobs. Job Flights platform impacts every company in every industry. Check us out
Sponsors 27:30
Listen carefully, up to 9 out of 10 job candidates visiting your company career page leave before completing an application. You heard that right 90% of candidates who want to apply for a job at your company don’t. That’s just plain crazy, especially in today’s tight labor market. Candidate experience matters. Stop turning candidates away. Let Success Performance Solutions help. Call us at 800 803 4303 or register at Scheduling no-obligation consultation and getting special access to insider tips to recruit faster and hire smarter.
Ira Wolfe 28:25
Welcome back to The Geeks Geezers and Googlization Show. I’m your host Ira Wolfe. I’m here with my co-host, Keith Campagna, who’s right on my side today and our special guest is Michael Greenberg from Call For Content. Our podcast is talking about podcasting and we kind of uncovered a new use, one that prior to talking with Michael I never even thought about but I’m really excited about this. I think I said it offline. It’s definitely going into my presentation. So Michael, when we left off we said what people need to do is get a zoom recorder. There are some other ways that people can record but that would be an easy one to pick up a microphone, some type of microphone that multiple people can probably share at the same time or you just get some headsets. What else? I mean, what happens after that? So we’ve recorded it to some platform in the cloud, on the zoom recorder. Again, I’m an HR and I don’t understand technology, this is all brand new to me. Where do I go from there? What happens? How do I share this with people? What’s the next step?
Keith Campagna 29:36
Ira Wolfe 29:38
Find the site of the company and you’ll have a sponsor we hope.
Keith Campagna 29:42
Maybe even one of their vendors that they use, right?
Ira Wolfe 29:45
Yeah, that’s true.
Michael Greenberg 29:48
I think the first thing you want to look at is if you’re going to distribute the show, outside of just the company. And if so, who’s going to be listening to it because I personally like to put my shows on a piece of software called Omni studio. And that’s your podcast hosting provider. So that’s where my shows live.
Ira Wolfe 30:15
Just curious, how does that compare to a Lipson or a Blueberry? I use Lipson. Is that a competitor or is that different?
Michael Greenberg 30:26
It’s a competitor. It’s a little more focused on businesses and radio but they’ve got a fantastic small hobbyist plan. They link up directly with Spotify, directly with Google Play and so it’s nice and easy to publish there, which is why I like it.
Keith Campagna 30:45
What’s it Omni what?
Michael Greenberg 30:47
Omni studio. Okay.
Ira Wolfe 30:49
All right, great. Great. But a company could also just upload it to something like iTunes as well.
Michael Greenberg 30:58
You actually need to have it hosting on something, and then you take the RSS feed and feed that to iTunes.
Ira Wolfe 31:07
All right. So they still need a platform like Omni studio or Lipson, Blueberry. There are some other ones out there.
Michael Greenberg 31:17
Yeah, I think there are dozens now. Seems like a new one pops up every day. So once you’ve got your hosting, you want to record a few episodes and I like to launch a show with three or four episodes for culture. For marketing, we launch with more episodes, but for culture, it’s okay just to have a few.
Keith Campagna 31:45
Why is that?
Michael Greenberg 31:46
Purpose. If we’re marketing we want to reach the largest possible audience. Also one of the reasons we put out more episodes, to begin with, is to gain the ranking algorithms for podcasts because most of them are based on downloads over a small period of time.
Ira Wolfe 32:09
For a business standpoint, if somebody’s interested in doing this for business does an iTunes have a minimum of five?
Michael Greenberg 32:15
Yeah, I think they do to push the show live, you could have submitted it earlier, but it won’t actually
Ira Wolfe 32:24
Gotcha. Yeah, sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, but ….
Keith Campagna 32:27
We’re intrigued.
Michael Greenberg 32:31
Intrigued is always good. So, once you’ve got your show live, or even before that, you’ve got to record your episodes. When you’re looking at what you want to use your show for, that should give you your first five episodes right off the bat. So if it’s we want to show off company culture across the whole company, the first person you probably want to speak with is your CEO. Whoever the top dog is there and then maybe you want to jump around and do the CEO one day, and then do somebody who’s at the very frontlines interacting with customers, the next. You want to try to build that variety of perspectives, and your initial batch of show launches. The important thing to remember through all this is making sure that those perspectives align with the message you’re trying to put out with the show. So, to go back to the example of recruiting for nurses, you want to bring in a patient and show you how they view the interaction with the organization. That should give somebody a much warmer impression of your organization when they hear how you were able to help and how likely your organization went above and beyond whatever the minimum call of duty is. If you’re going after, say, nurses in the Detroit area, then maybe you want to bring on one or two other people within the organization as well. And maybe you want to bring on somebody who has a little more cachet in the region?
Keith Campagna 34:28
Sure, like looking at a hot brand or something?
Michael Greenberg 34:33
Exactly. So long as they’re interacting with you, as your organization to some degree. And so your goal is to show how all the various parts of your organization interact with the wider community that you’re trying to interact with.
Ira Wolfe 34:52
That’s another great idea. So you whether you’re a hospital or not, you’re an organization. How have you gotten involved in the community? What’s your role in the community, and if it’s a service if you’re supporting a service organization if you have an event, talk about the people that attended that, or even the people that benefited from that event to have them come in and bring that connection in. And again, it’s like three degrees. You have a company that sponsors some event but then interviewing the people that benefited from their sponsorship and connecting people to the community beyond just their direct products and services. Yeah, so my mind just with this thing, you sort of lost me with it.
Keith Campagna 35:49
Michael, you’ve been doing this for a couple of years now. What’s the greatest unknown that you found out? Did anything sneak up on you as you were building out and getting these clients?
Michael Greenberg 36:01
Yeah, the whole concept of the need for conversation. That was not something I knew about. I did not realize how much content comes out of just one podcast episode. When you transcribe that people talk so much faster than they write.
Ira Wolfe 36:28
Yeah, I’ve got like a million software things. I just got this thing the other day. It used to be taking this hour’s show and getting it transcribed took a couple of days. Yeah, like three days back and you paid a penny a word or you know, so much a minute. It was a flat fee that I got to sing for and in less than seven minutes we can have each of our 50 minutes transcribed coming back. The problem is it comes back almost too good because we have all the ums and ahhs and things that I’d like to cut out. So I decided, do we edit it or not? Now that’s a great example obviously, of being able to have a transcript from that, which also brings an example. Our show is 50 minutes. If someone was to have a podcast within a business show, or within a business, is there an ideal time? There’s a thing called chirps. I don’t know if you’ve seen that, it’s a new app, and they limit you to two minutes. It’s just two minutes. You can put them out as a personal podcast. It’s just whatever you’re thinking about, but there’s a two-minute limit.
Michael Greenberg 37:54
Chirp in a tweet.
Ira Wolfe 37:54
Yeah. So Michael is there an ideal engagement I mean when does it start to fall off because people don’t necessarily have time to listen to a 15-minute show. Again, starting this inside a business to promote recruitment, retention, engagement, what’s an ideal timeframe for this? I think that’s the other thing that would put off people not only the budget but also how long we have to invest in this. How long is this going to take?
Michael Greenberg 38:31
Yeah, so the first thing I’d look at is who are you trying to reach? And how much time do they have? When are they listening? If you don’t know that answer, then you’re probably looking at a 30-minute show, 25min to 35min. The reason there is that a half-hour is just a really easy block to work with. And it’s also the average commuting time
Keith Campagna 38:55
Not in the Philadelphia market.
Michael Greenberg 38:59
You might want to extend it.
Ira Wolfe 39:01
You’re in Colorado, you have great infrastructure. We have no money.
Michael Greenberg 39:07
Yeah. The average commuting time nationally.
Ira Wolfe 39:12
Yeah. If somebody wants to start, is 10 minutes too short?
Michael Greenberg 39:17
No, and in fact, with the right 10 minutes, I think as you get shorter, you have to prepare more.
Ira Wolfe 39:25
Right? Stay focused. It’s sort of a TED talk podcast, right?
Michael Greenberg 39:32
That can be the most impactful kind of podcast as well.
Ira Wolfe 39:36
Okay. So to recap a little bit, obviously, getting started, minimal expense. Many people may already have the expenses, there are actually recorders on your smartphone, so you can do that. There are lots of cloud recorders that are free. You got the recording. You get one of those platforms we talked about and pretty much you’re in business so you can start sharing that. What I want to talk about is one of the things because one of the hot topics in HR today is employment branding. When a candidate looks at a company, they want to know about the company, they go up, they see the ratings, three blues reviews on Glassdoor, indeed Keanu somewhere else. And they want to know about that culture, going back to our kind of full circle going back to the culture thing. If you had a podcast, and you’re building that, we talked about employee branding, employee review, you talk about authority marketing. Are you talking about the same thing?
Michael Greenberg 40:38
Very similar.
Ira Wolfe 40:42
Explain what authority marketing is, and how that might relate to a business for external customers but also for employees.
Michael Greenberg 40:53
Authority marketing is a marketing technique that uses content to position a business as some sort of niche expert, and I really like to do it with podcasting. I think it works really well with a podcast. So for external customers, being the best at what you do in your market is an obvious goal for every marketer, every brand. But looking at the benefits of doing that for employees, people want to know they’re working for the best. They want to know, if you’re an organization of caregivers, they want to know that you have the best people at that job. Your customers want to know that and your employees want to know that as a result of working with you, they get some of that recognition of working with the best and being the best. And so it can become a really powerful tool from an internal perspective both just to get people more engaged with the company, and to get people more excited about it.
Ira Wolfe 42:07
So just to give everyone a reference, and again, we talk a lot about Google and how things get ranked, three out of four people who are searching for a job start their search on Google. They may end up elsewhere, but they started in Google, and Google looks at domain authority. I’m not going to get into all the specifics of how that’s calculated. I really don’t know other than I know it’s important for my position as well. But there’s domain authority and part of that is rated on the relevancy of your content. And because video and now podcasting is irrelevant, if you’re producing regular content, and putting it up on your company site, and even more specifically, what we’re talking about today, on your career site. Again, they could be interviews with successful employees and CEOs, Managers on what it’s like to work at the company. You got more content, if it’s a relevant podcast to listen to, you’re increasing your domain authority, which in the podcasting world is increasing that authority marketing, which is increasing your employer brand. And what we’ve talked about up to this point is that it would cost you under $100, to get started, and probably for a year. I don’t know what it is for Omni studio, but I know you can get ….
Michael Greenberg 43:37
For nine bucks a month.
Ira Wolfe 43:38
Yeah. You know, and some of them are $5 a month to get started at the basic plans. So yeah, it’s just crazy.
Keith Campagna 43:47
If you are HR go with a low-cost option, and then a regular cost option, and you’ll have your podcast.
Ira Wolfe 43:53
Yeah, absolutely. So very, very helpful. We’re up to almost the end of the show again and this has been great. It’s been helpful to me kind of putting this into perspective. Michael, as you said, out of a podcast you get so much content. I probably got like an ebook, a couple of articles, we got our podcasts and hopefully, you and I and Keith will do some work together. I’ve got some ideas in my head that we’ll share offline a little bit. But you mentioned that right off at the beginning of the show that you had an ebook. So a couple of things. How do people get in touch with you? What resources are available? If they want more information if they want to talk to you, how do they do it?
Michael Greenberg 44:42
The best way for all of that is to go to and there in the upper right corner, you’ll find our playbooks, including the B2B podcasting playbook, which goes a little more in-depth on getting a podcast started for a business, and includes a whole subsection on culture podcasts like we talked about today. You’ll also find the Authority Marketing Playbook, which can help you position yourself for that sort of authority marketing. And you’ll find on the very front page of the site, a little chatbot in the bottom right corner. Hopefully, you like it more than a person. And there, you’ll see a little button for office hours. I hold office hours every week. I try every day, but I rarely make it and there office hours are totally free, and you can book some time to talk with me.
Keith Campagna 45:52
Okay, I got a question for you. You’ve been ahead of the curve in the podcast world now for several years. You come from the investment background, the coding background. How did we do today? How did the Geeks, Geezers and Googlization show stack up?
Michael Greenberg 46:07
This is one of my favorite shows to have been on. You guys know your stuff and you’ve got a great production team. It’s been a lot of fun.
Ira Wolfe 46:18
Yes, we do. We neglect to do this each week but we want to thank Dee for our calls. She’s kind of in the background, making sure things run smoothly and making sure that we get this up on the podcast.
Keith Campagna 46:33
Whenever I am off-site somewhere and the sound is coming through. She makes it work.
Ira Wolfe 46:37
Yeah. You know, both of us. So what is some final advice you got, Michael, we got about another minute or two. So what’s your final words of wisdom for anyone thinking about podcasting?
Michael Greenberg 46:50
Just plan a podcast, plan it as a single season. Do eight to 12 episodes. Try it once and see what happens. You costs almost nothing.
Ira Wolfe 47:01
Yeah, yeah. My advice, having done it a couple of times, sporadically off and on, and now that we’ve got a weekly show where we’re sort of forced to do it which was sort of in the making, I would just say do it. Yeah. Just get it started and if anybody asks questions, obviously, Michael’s the expert, but Keith and I, from the HR perspective and sales, I can see the wheels spinning between the both of us. We burn up the room here.
Keith Campagna 47:28
Ira Wolfe 47:29
You got a million things on your mind.
Keith Campagna 47:31
Thank you.
Ira Wolfe 47:31
Yeah. Thanks, Michael. I really appreciate you being on the show. We need to talk a little bit afterwards. We’ll set up some time again. And thanks again. It was a great show. Appreciate it.
Michael Greenberg 47:44
Yeah, a lot of fun coming on. Thank you.
Ira Wolfe 47:46
Thanks, Keith. We’re sort of at the end again.
Keith Campagna 47:52
You know, I think it’s fascinating. Here we go where we kind of blew through a couple of Michael’s suggestions where we didn’t just say Let’s try it and see what happens. We just dove into the deep end, which is kind of our style anyway. But I just think it’s great how after however many months here, we’re at the end of May and another fascinating new approach to how you can really set yourself apart from a company perspective. It works. It’s easy to do, it focuses on the audience, and you can get your community involved. I mean, if you’re looking for good ideas, I think we’re actually coming up with some good ones.
Ira Wolfe 48:29
Oh, this one to me is amazing. So yeah, I’ve got to figure it out before Tuesday, because I’m doing another presentation of how you can incorporate this. I gotta go change my presentation again. We are just about out of time again, and we want to thank everybody for listening to the Geeks, Geezers and Googlization Show. We’re always interested in hearing what’s on your mind so you let us know how we’re doing. If you’re interested in being a guest or a sponsor, just check us out and check it out.
Keith Campagna 48:44
We’re getting more sponsors in the pipeline. So the cost is going to go up. Call us soon.
Ira Wolfe 49:01
Yeah, absolutely good. The sales guy, my sales guy. Call us and send requests of who you want to hear. You know we definitely want to get somebody on about identity theft. Do you know any other subjects you want to hear about? We’re certainly gonna be talking a lot more about candidate experience, talent acquisition, employment branding. Check us both out on LinkedIn and Twitter. And thanks again to Job Flight and Success Performance Solutions for being our current sponsors. And don’t forget to join us next week, Wednesday 1pm, Eastern Time or listen to our podcasts on Spotify, iTunes, Apple podcast, SoundCloud, Google Play, you name it. Until the next episode of Geeks, Geezers and Googlization. This is Ira Wolf and Keith Campagna. Don’t let the shift hit your plan.